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Potential to Drive


Knowing how to drive is not always the problem, many people have the potential to drive with or without special equipment and it is our job to ensure that you are trained and highly skilled in all aspects of driving including being licensed to drive with the state.


Texas Adult Drivers Education

Please follow the link below to enroll in our online certification program.


Frequently Asked Questions
  What is your referral procedure?
  Can I drive my own car for the behind the wheel evaluation?
  Do you accept appointments?
  If I need adaptive equipment, do you direct me to a specific vehicle modifier for my modifications?
  What happens after program completion/discharge?
  How are your fees billed/invoiced?

What is your referral procedure?
To be admitted to the program, clients are required to submit a referral or prescription signed by their physician, as well as a complete questionnaire which can be found on the services section of this site.  
You must also have a VALID driver's license or learner's permit from the appropriate state agency.  Generally, if you had a license before your medical condition changed, this same license would still allow us to drive with you on the public streets.
Can I drive my own car for the behind the wheel evaluation?
Typically, the practical phase of the evaluation is conducted in a vehicle with dual controls, appropriate signage, and an extra rear view mirror. These are minimum requirements that are set for all driving schools that are licensed by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR).
Do you accept appointments?
All appointments are set upon receipt of physicians prescription or referral, completed pre-appointment questionnaire, and pre-approval of payment services. Normal business hours are from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Please call our offices at 713-722-0667 to set up an appointment.
If I need adaptive equipment, do you direct me to a specific vehicle modifier for my modifications?
Due to the competitive nature of the vehicle modification industry, Strowmatt Rehabilitation Services can only provide a list of state approved vehicle modification shops.  If your needs are product specific and can only be acquired by a certain dealer or manufacturer, you will be informed of this issue.  In every situation, the ideal customer is one that checks all the local vehicle modifiers, interviews them for service availability, warranty lengths, after-hours emergency service, and length of time needed for vehicle modification.  Strowmatt Rehabilitation Services believes the client should make an informed choice of their vehicle modifier.  
What happens after program completion/discharge?
Upon completion of recommended evaluation or training, clients are commonly accompanied to Texas Department of Public Safety for administration of DPS diagnostic/comprehensive road examination. After passing the test, the client's post injury driving capacity is on file with the state. All restrictions, equipment, etc., will be noted. For individuals with no equipment needs, this is a voluntary process.  
How are your fees billed/invoiced?
Services are billed as occupational therapy and are generally not covered by private insurance. Some clients are funded by agencies such as Worker's Compensation or the TWC/VRS Texas Workforce Commission/Vocational Rehab Services (formerly DARS Department of Assistive & Rehabilitation Services.) Pre-payment for services is required for funding through CLASS, trust funds and Worker's Compensation. Frequently a self-pay client will file with their insurance for reimbursement. For clients who do not qualify for TWC, trust fund or Worker's Compensation, service is offered as a self-pay only, basis. We offer a retired discount to self-pay clients only.